Women's Fellowship
The Women’s Fellowship consists of women within the church and community. They meet monthly April through December and provide support to the church and the community.
The social committee is responsible for looking at and suggesting ideas for fellowship within the congregation, and then suggesting these ideas to the church council for approval. Once approved, the committee then looks for someone within the congregation to head up these ideas
The Board of Trustees meets monthly and receives and disburses funds required for the life of the Church.
The outreach committee has the responsibility, along with the congregation and the Pastor, to look for needs within the community which the congregation and the Pastor, with permission of the church council, can then reach out and meet, either on a one time basis, or over a prolonged period.
Church Council
The Church Council meets quarterly and consists of the chairpersons of each board, committee, and fellowship group within the Church. The group develops long-range plans and guides the direction of the life of the Church.
The Diaconate meets monthly to assist and support the Pastor in the spiritual interest of the Church. They also, together with the Pastor, administer the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, and are responsible for the memorials given to the church.